Manisha Shrestha Manisha Shrestha

First Visit to Bangladesh

In April, CIMMYT together with project members of Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU) and Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Services (RDRS) had a successful visit to Rangpur to start understanding the current context for diversification, and to learn from farmer preferences.

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Manisha Shrestha Manisha Shrestha

Project Inception Meeting

The project Inception Meeting was held in early February. Over three days with a combination of internal and external engagement, we discussed project processes, explored how we can build on existing work, showcased the different research activities being undertaken, and looked at options for engaging with external partners.

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Manisha Shrestha Manisha Shrestha

Project Team Training

The Rupantar project aims to build capacity to define and implement diversification pathways, to ensure project activities can be implemented, and to contribute to an enabling environment for food system transformation.

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