
Transforming Smallholder Food Systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plains

We explore diversification options and objectives, focusing on inclusive processes.

What We Do

Our Goal

To understand the processes and practices for transforming food systems through diversification, to improve farm livelihoods while reducing inequity, production risk, and unsustainable resource use.

Where we work


These are tales of the changes experienced by households and communities as a consequence of working with the Rupantar project

Latest News

Rendezvous With Ambassador

It was a pleasure to meet Her Excellency Felicity Volk, the Australian Ambassador to Nepal, in Kathmandu on the 19th of August. We discussed the aims of the Rupantar project and highlighted areas of shared interest with the wider Australian program, including a better understanding of climate adaptation options, local government engagement, and cross-boundary learning. We look forward to sharing results and experiences as the project progresses.

Visiting Bangladesh

Tamara Jackson traveled to Bangladesh from the 20th to the 24th of August to meet with project partners. The first stop was RDRS in Rangpur, where it was excellent to meet with staff and get updates on their work in Rupantar and other ACIAR projects. The trip included a visit to new partner Hajee Danesh Science and Technology University to discuss the project and Mamun Rashid’s Ph.D. proposal. We also met the Rangpur district Department of Agricultural Extension team who will be an important connection for the project.