West Bengal Global Business Summit

Dr. Kuhu Chatterjee participated in the West Bengal Global Business Summit from 20th – 21st April 2022 in Kolkata, where the relationship between West Bengal and Australia was highlighted through engagement in ACIAR projects including Rupantar. It was inaugurated by the Chief Minister, Hon Mamata Banerjee, who stated that the investment in industrial development is a key priority of the State now. This was a mega event across all parts of the industry, including the Agriculture and Allied Sector. The main investors in this sector are the small and medium

enterprises, with thrust areas


1. Promoting farm mechanization;

2.Agribusiness focused on aggregator services, development of new equipment and machinery;

3. Solar micro irrigation;

4. Commercial poultry sector;

5. Feed plants;

6. Setting up Dairy farms and integrated manufacturing facilities for milk-based products;

7. Setting up of meat processing industries;

8. Establishment of downstream value chain operations linking with FPO /FPCs;

9. In Fisheries, feed production, processing, ornamental fishes, and solar fish drying;

10. In Water Resources, a new flagship program Jal Dharo -Jal

Bharo for the conservation of rainwater;

11. Improve agricultural marketing and linking farmers to these initiatives; and create cold storage.

This broad focus provides opportunities for the Rupantar project to align with state government priorities for greater impact.


Case Studies to understand how diversification has happened previously, led by IFPRI


First Visit to Bangladesh